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Event Management

Twelve Ways Marketing Teams Can Reuse Event Content

9 Jun 2023 | Heather Pryor | 4 minutes

Sustainabile events

Events generate a remarkable amount of content — most of which is directly related to your organization’s products and services. Reusing event content maximizes the impact of event channel marketing. While there are numerous ways to reuse content, it can be difficult to decide which option is best for each of your event sessions. In this article, we’ll outline 12 powerful opportunities for content reuse.  

Data Is the Key to Successfully Reusing Event Content

Attendance data will help you identify topics your audience is most interested in. Likewise, session participation data, such as the results of questions asked or polls conducted, can help you brainstorm ideas for future content. Even attendees’ demographic data can prove useful. For example, looking at the job titles of those who attended a session might tell you who would be most interested in content covering similar themes.

Session characteristics are also helpful to determine how to share content after the event. Although many breakout sessions result in great on-demand videos, instructional content like workshops might be better presented as guides or toolkits. Other session characteristics, such as track name or category, may also offer guidance for reuse decisions.

1. Extend Your Event Experience With Sessions On Demand

The most common way to reuse content is through video on demand. Making sessions available post-event allows attendees to view sessions they may have missed. Those who did not attend the event may also be permitted to view sessions, which expands your content leadership footprint. 

2. Turn Popular Sessions Into Webinars 

Not everyone has the time or ability to join large multi-day events. Reusing selected sessions into webinars can be an effective way to generate brand awareness, retention, and upsell opportunities for those who were unable to attend. Even people who attended the session may be interested in the webinar to gather more insight. 

3. Offer Sessions As Companion Resources on Your Corporate Website

Popular sessions can be hosted alongside relevant e-books, guides, and other resources on your website to drive site visits.

4. Reuse Session Slides As Supplementary Content for an RFP

Did your sessions offer valuable new insights about your product offering? Don’t let that information go to waste. Borrow information from sessions to create resources that can support your sales team with RFPs. 

5. Turn Client Sessions Into White Papers 

Clients make for great speakers — and even better advocates. Ask client speakers for their permission to share insights from their sessions as case studies for interested buyers.

6. Create Blog Content

Write about your top sessions to create valuable top-of-funnel content. Once an event has ended, prospects and others may not have time to sit down and watch sessions, but they may have time to read a short blog post. 

7. Convert Session Information Into Infographics

For even more consumable information, condense sessions down into infographics. With pre-designed slide decks to draw from, session-based infographics can be generated in no time. 

8. Incorporate Sessions Into Your Email Campaigns 

With insights into which sessions attracted the most attendees, you can write more enticing emails. Inspire email opens and clickthroughs with links to session content. Email can also be a great way to reshare session videos, slides, and ideas. 

9. Create Video Snippets From Sessions for Social Media

Video segments from sessions make for excellent social media content. Short, inspiring quotes are also impactful on social media. Consider which sessions might be appropriate for channels like YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even TikTok. 

10. Share Impactful Sessions Across Events

Are you looking to share a specific message with an extended audience? Don’t limit your most valuable sessions to a single event. Work with your event teams to share certain sessions at additional events. Sessions that might be worth sharing more than once include executive keynotes, product-focused workshops, or customer training sessions. 

11. Reuse Session Content in Guides, E-Books, or Toolkits 

Readers often spend less than three minutes on digital guides or e-books. But attendees will gladly sit through a 30-minute session as part of a digital event. Looking at your session attendance and engagement can help you plan engaging long-form content.

12. Plan Your Content Research Around Topics of Popular Sessions

Learn even more about the topics that resonated with your audience to plan your future content. Review session surveys to learn more about customer and prospect interests. Using session data as a foundation, conduct qualitative research to understand why certain session topics performed better than others.

As you work closely with your event team, you can turn session data into impactful post-event content. Reach your audience at every stage of their customer journey with content that has already proven successful. Visit our Unified Experiences page to learn more about delivering powerful omnichannel experiences.