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Event Management

Think Repeatable: How to Templatize Your Events

18 Oct 2024 | Heather Pryor | 3 minutes

Think Repeatable: How to Templatize Your Events

Starting event planning from scratch is often less than ideal. As the events industry increases efficiency through AI and automation, many event owners are working to templatize their events to become even more efficient. 

Event templates maximize efficiency for repeat events by simplifying setup processes and creating familiar experiences for attendees. The first step to properly templatizing events is creating a comprehensive and user-friendly template. 

The Foundation of a Successful Event Template

When it comes to repeatability, centralized data is key. The data you use to configure your event template and the data you collect from your events should be housed in the same platform. Types of data include attendee information, event details, and branding elements, along with other forms of data. Keeping event configuration data and collection data in the same platform streamlines your event setup and enables you to connect your sales and marketing technologies through a single integration. Overall, having a single source of truth makes for cleaner reporting.  

Centralized data is just the start. To build a solid foundation for your event template, you’ll also need to standardize your data collection. Ensuring the same metrics are captured at every event (when applicable) allows you to compare events consistently. When building the event template, work with your sales and marketing teams to identify which data points you need to capture to drive your business forward. 

Establishing the Right Mix of Static and Dynamic Components 

Once you’ve established a solid foundation of centralized and standardized data, you’re ready to begin structuring your event template. Event templates include static and dynamic elements. Each team can decide which elements should be dynamic and editable and which should remain the same from event to event.  

Generally, static components include fonts, colors, registration questions, payment processing methods, and integrations. Keeping these components consistent ensures every event looks and feels the same. Dynamic components, such as dates, housing options, venue information, and (sometimes) language, are updated for each new event. 

Simplifying Your Event Template

While an event template could potentially contain hundreds of elements, creating a comprehensive template does not necessarily mean that it has to be complex. The right template just needs to cover the event’s core elements. For example, if the events to be templatized only have a few sessions each and no separate tracks, you can remove session tracks from your template. Cleaning up your event template can save your team time and eliminate unnecessary or redundant tasks. 

Want to learn more best practices for building event templates? Join us in February at INSIGHT 2025! You’ll find sessions on creating repeatable events and opportunities to speak with subject matter experts and peers who are experienced in templates.